I GOT MY FIRST COMIC WHEN I WAS SIX OR seven at a gas station back when gas stations had newsstands. It was a funny animal book targeted for young readers and from the first pun I was hooked. It proved to be an excellent gateway drug and as I aged out of juvenile fare, super hero comics were right there to scoop me up. What moody teen couldn't relate to Raven of The New Teen Titans or Magik in New Mutants? 

It feels, for me at least, like comics and I were on this parallel path: As I entered high school and started to outgrow 4-color fistfights comics matured as well, Watchmen and the Dark Knight Returns grew the medium up right alongside me.

When I got to college and had my consciousness expanded I was introduced to equally sophisticated work, like Chris Ware's Acme Novelty Library, and Raw, Indie creators like Dan Clowes and Charles Burns, deconstructing the genre as they reinvigorated it. 

My first job was in a comic shop, comics led me to being an artist. I pursued art because I wanted to draw as well as George Perez. Comics opened up a whole world for me.
When I finally started working on my own comic, GUN, I set out to make the kind of comic I wanted to read. I went back to the work that inspired me, artists like Bill Sienkiewicz and Jon J. Muth, who not only told stories visually but created beautiful, moving pieces of art in the process. I wanted to make something like those old Epic-era comics, slightly edgy and warmly analog.

If there was a mission statement for Reckless Eyeballs Press, it's that: Idiosyncratic work with a singular voice, crafted by hand, with love, for people who love comics.

If you'd like to read more about Reckless Eyeballs Press, Multiversity Comics ran a nice interview here.

We also got a pretty cool feature at Pipedream Comics here.


I'm Jack Foster, the creator of GUN. I'm a Los Angeles based writer & artist.